锘?%@ CODEPAGE=65001 %> <% ''鏃墮棿杞崲鍑芥暟 Function return_RFC822_Date(byVal myDate, byVal TimeZone) Dim myDay, myDays, myMonth, myYear Dim myHours, myMinutes, mySeconds myDate = CDate(myDate) myDay = EnWeekDayName(myDate) myDays = Right("00" & Day(myDate),2) myMonth = EnMonthName(myDate) myYear = Year(myDate) myHours = Right("00" & Hour(myDate),2) myMinutes = Right("00" & Minute(myDate),2) mySeconds = Right("00" & Second(myDate),2) return_RFC822_Date = myDay&", "& _ myDays&" "& _ myMonth&" "& _ myYear&" "& _ myHours&":"& _ myMinutes&":"& _ mySeconds&" "& _ " " & TimeZone End Function ''鏄熸湡杞崲鍑芥暟 Function EnWeekDayName(InputDate) Dim Result Select Case WeekDay(InputDate,1) Case 1:Result="Sun" Case 2:Result="Mon" Case 3:Result="Tue" Case 4:Result="Wed" Case 5:Result="Thu" Case 6:Result="Fri" Case 7:Result="Sat" End Select EnWeekDayName = Result End Function ''鏈堜喚杞崲鍑芥暟 Function EnMonthName(InputDate) Dim Result Select Case Month(InputDate) Case 1:Result="Jan" Case 2:Result="Feb" Case 3:Result="Mar" Case 4:Result="Apr" Case 5:Result="May" Case 6:Result="Jun" Case 7:Result="Jul" Case 8:Result="Aug" Case 9:Result="Sep" Case 10:Result="Oct" Case 11:Result="Nov" Case 12:Result="Dec" End Select EnMonthName = Result End Function %> <% ''鑾峰彇褰撳墠鍩熷悕,鍏朵腑rss.asp涓轟綘鐨勬枃浠跺悕 sql="select top 50 * from [en_article] where view_yes=1 order by [time] desc" ''鏍規(guī)嵁鑷繁瀹為檯淇敼 set rs=server.createobject("adodb.recordset") rs.open sql,cn,1,1 response.contenttype="text/xml" XMLContent=XMLContent&"" & vbcrlf XMLContent=XMLContent&"" & vbcrlf XMLContent=XMLContent&"" & vbcrlf XMLContent=XMLContent&"" & vbcrlf XMLContent=XMLContent&"videosgratis灌满另类,xxxx国产chinesevideo " & vbcrlf XMLContent=XMLContent&"" & web_url & "" & vbcrlf XMLContent=XMLContent&"zh-cn" & vbcrlf XMLContent=XMLContent&"RSS Feed By www.huigusoft.com" & vbcrlf while not rs.eof set rsc=server.createobject("adodb.recordset") sqlc="select [name] from [en_category] where id="&rs("cid") rsc.open sqlc,cn,1,1 if not rsc.eof then CategoryName=rsc("name") end if rsc.close set rsc=nothing select case rs("ArticleType") case 1 Content_FolderName=Article_FolderName case 2 Content_FolderName=Product_FolderName Case 3 Content_FolderName=Case_FolderName end select XMLContent=XMLContent&"" & vbcrlf XMLContent=XMLContent&"<![CDATA[" & rs("title") & "]]>" & vbcrlf XMLContent=XMLContent&""&web_url&"/"&Content_FolderName&"/"& rs("file_path") &"" & vbcrlf XMLContent=XMLContent&"" & vbcrlf XMLContent=XMLContent&"" & return_RFC822_Date(rs("time"),"08:00") & "" & vbcrlf XMLContent=XMLContent&""&web_name&"" & vbcrlf XMLContent=XMLContent&""&CategoryName&"" & vbcrlf XMLContent=XMLContent&"" & vbcrlf rs.movenext wend XMLContent=XMLContent&"" & vbcrlf XMLContent=XMLContent&"" & vbcrlf rs.close set rs=nothing ''鍏抽棴鏁版嵁搴? cn.close set cn=nothing %> <% '璇誨彇妯℃澘 '****************************************** '鍔熻兘錛氱敓鎴怳TF-8鏂囦歡 '鍙傛暟錛欶ile_name 鏂囦歡鍚? '鍙傛暟錛欶ile_path 鐢熸垚鏂囦歡鎵鍦ㄧ浉瀵圭洰褰? '鍙傛暟錛歝ontent 鍐欏叆鍐呭 '****************************************** sub Generation_File(File_name,File_path,content) mappath = "/"&File_path&"/"&File_name Set objStream = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") With objStream .Open .Charset = "utf-8" .Position = objStream.Size .WriteText=XMLContent .SaveToFile server.mappath(mappath),2 .Close End With Set objStream = Nothing end sub call Generation_File("Feed.xml","English/rss",XMLContent) '鍦▁ml鐩綍涓嬬敓鎴愮紪鐮佷負(fù)utf-8鐨凢eex.xml鏂囦歡 response.write XMLContent %>